
There are three ways to search.
You can search XP like in the search bar of the sidebar.
"Find and select" allows you to search the file list as if it were a text editor.
"Execute grep" can call advanced file search by calling the Hidemaru editor Grep. This is a feature for Japanese.

Search pane
You can display the search pane from [View]-[Side bar]-[Search].
Output files matching to the file list.

All or part of the file name
When describing a wildcard:
A wildcard is a string in which "*" or "?" is written, "*" is an arbitrary string whose length changes. The "?" is meant any one character.

When not describing a wildcard:
If it is not a wildcard, the file including the specified character string in the file name is output. (Example: "name")
If it matches part of the file name, it will be output.


A word or phrase in the file
Search the contents of the file.
If "Search text file" is turned off, it is similar to searching for text files, but it does not search for text files.
Search the results by extension corresponding to the full-text index for each extension installed on your PC.

If "Search text file" is turned on, the contents of the text file will be searched.

Look in
If you select "Get current folder !", the folder with the current file list will be selected.
If you select "Auto sync current folder", the folder with the current file list will always be searched. (Also when the search pane is displayed next time)

Search sub folders
Search for files in subfolders.

Search hidden files
Search for hidden files.

Search system files
Search system files.
[View]-[Visibility] → [Show System Files] must be ON.

Search file name
Include filenames in the search. "Search file name" or "Search folder name" must be ON (or both).

Search folder name
Include folder names in the search. "Search file name" or "Search folder name" must be ON (or both).

Search compressed file name
Search for the file name in the compressed file.

Output to new tab
Output the result to a new tab.

Specify date
Specifies the date.

Specify size
Specifies the size.

Search text file
If it is ON, the file is regarded as a text file and the contents of the file are searched. "A word or phrase in the file" is the search string in the file.
If it is OFF, search the result of the expansion corresponding to the full text index.

Find and Select
From [Edit]-[Find and select...], you can search from the files currently in the file list and select one file.

When entering wildcards, you can select multiple files at once.

Filter format/regexp format

Execute from [Tool]-[grep].
If the Hidemaru editor is installed, you can call grep to target the current folder. This is a feature for Japanese.