
Folder views
Apply to Folders
Applies the current view settings of file list to all folders.

Reset Folders
Reset the view settings of all folders.

Change the current folder view settings as each folder settings.

Advanced settings
Store views
Decide how to store the View (Thumbnails/Tile/Icon/List/Details) and Sort status.
Store for each folder
It will automatically store for each folder.

Store for each folder (keep view when switch folder)
It will automatically store for each folder.
However, keep view when switch current folder.(Example: Click on folder tree. Go up one folder)

Don't store (it is possible to store manually)
It does not store automatically at all.
You can change view settings by [View]-[Customize...] dialog.

Don't store (keep view when switch folder, after change view)
It does not store automatically at all.
You can change view settings by [View]-[Customize...] dialog.
If view changed, keep view when switch current folder.(Example: Click on folder tree. Go up one folder)

Store commonly in all folders
Automatically store in common.

Store commonly in all folders(with column)
Automatically store in common with column details.

Don't show folder item in file list
The folder will not be displayed in the file list when ON.

Show ZIP folder
Display compressed files (.ZIP) like subfolders.

Hidden files and folders
Show hidden files.
This setting is application specific.

System files
Show system files.
This setting is application specific.

System files (SYSTEM SETTING)
Show system files.
This setting is system common specific.

Show extensions.
This setting is system common specific.