Design/Operation - File list 2(Ver1.90対応版)

Name column : Auto expand width
In the "Details" view, if the file name is too long to fit, the width of the column will be expanded automatically. It does not narrow automaIn the "Details" view, if the file name is too long to fit, the width of the column will be expanded automatically. It does not narrow automatically.

Name column : Keep extension when long name
In "Details" view, if the file name is too long to fit, the extension is not be omitted.
Also, decide how to shorten the display in detail.

Size column : File size unit
It is a unit of size column at the time of Details view.
You can select from Byte (byte), KB (kilobyte), MB (megabyte), and GB (gigabyte).
When "Auto" is selected, the unit KB, MB, GB, or TB is automatically selected according to the size.

Size column : Drive size unit
The unit of the total size of the drive and the size of the free space when displaying "PC" (computer / my computer).
You can select from Byte (byte), KB (kilobyte), MB (megabyte), and GB (gigabyte).

Size column : Show folder size (note:slow)
In the "Details" view, the folder size is displayed in the size column.
Size shows the total size of files in the folder (including subfolders).
It takes time to display.

When files in a folder change, the size may not always be updated automatically.
When the files in the folder change, you need to refresh the latest information.

Details of size column
Specifies the details of how to display the size column.

Date column : Show seconds
Display seconds as the date and time.

Date column : By 1 sec
Shell seconds are usually displayed as an even number.
Turning this option on will get the exact seconds through the file system.

Date column :Specify by format
Specify the date and time expression format.

Type column
Determines how the "Type" or "Item Type" column is treated.

In the case of "Windows standard", the behavior differs depending on the OS.
XP: "Type" is sorted by type name. There is no "Item Type". The second element can not be applied.
Vista: "Type" is sorted by extension. There is no "Item Type".
7 and later: "Type" is sorted by type name. "Item Type" is sorted by extension.

In the case of "Sort by type name", both "Type" and "Item Type" will be sorted by type name.

In the case of "Sort by extension", both "Type" and "Item Type" will be sorted by extension. (Selectable only for Windows 7 or later)

Sort : Always folder is top
Normally, folders are sorted at the bottom in descending order, but when this is turned on, folders will always be organized at the top.

Sort : Mix files and folders
Normally, folders and files are separated into separate groups when they are sorted, but if this is turned on, folders and files will be sorted without distinction.

Sort : Auto sort
If OFF, new files will be added to the end of the list when automatically updated.
If ON, new files will be added at the sorted position.

Sort : Use second elements
When it is judged that the sorted items are exactly the same, decide how to sort.
When OFF, it is sorted by name. For example, when sorting by file type (extension), same extensions are sorted by name.

If it is ON, the second sort is the one that was previously sorted.
For example, if you sort by modification date and then sort by file type (extension), the same extensions are sorted by modification date.

Sort : Scroll after sort
After sorting by clicking on a column, decide what to do with scrolling.
"Fixed" : Maintain the scroll position.
"Auto scroll" : When there is a selected item, the selected item scrolls automatically so that it appears in the screen. If there is no selection item, it scrolls to the top.
"Always scroll to top" : Always scrolls to the top.

Get icon in file list
This setting was at V1.00, but moved to the advanced setting network at V1.01 .