Design/Operation - Context menu 2(Ver1.90対応版)

Context menu extension of items
When OFF, disable context menu extension of file item and folder item.
What is disabled is the context menu extension by the extension DLL.
This setting is the same as the setting in Troubleshooting .

Context menu extension of background
When OFF, Disables the context menu extension of the file list background.
This setting is the same as the setting in Troubleshooting .

Sub menu context menu in linkbar
When you right-click an item in the link bar and the registered content is a folder, the context menu for the folder is displayed as a submenu.
This setting is the same as the setting in Linkbar .

Sub menu context menu in tool item bar
When you right-click an item in the tool item bar and the registered content is a folder, the context menu for the folder is displayed as a submenu.
This setting is the same as the setting in Tool item bar .

Sub menu context menu in bookmark pane
When you right-click an item in the bookmark pane and the registered content is a folder, the context menu for the folder is displayed as a submenu.
This setting is the same as the setting in Bookmark pane .

Sub menu context menu in tab
When you right-click an item in tab and the registered content is a folder, the context menu for the folder is displayed as a submenu.

Context menu of file list
When you right-click in file list, the context menu is displayed.