Advanced - Troubleshooting(Ver1.90対応版)

Advanced settings appear when you turn on "Advanced" at the bottom left of the Options dialog.

Ignore exception context menu shell extension
If an exception occurs in the shell extension DLL of the context menu, ignore it.

Disable context menu shell extension on item
Disable context menu extension of file item and folder item.
What is disabled is the context menu extension by the extension DLL.
This setting is the same as the setting in Context menu 2 .

Disable context menu shell extension of background
Disables the context menu extension of the fill list background.
This setting is the same as the setting in Context menu 2 .

Disable "Undo" in background context menu
When you right-click on the file list background, an instance equivalent to Explorer is created. Get undo information from Explorer.
Turning on this option and disabling the undo menu will make the right-click menu response faster.
Or you can work around the problem.

Disable overlay icon in folder tree
Do not use overlay icons in the folder tree. The overlay icon is drawn by an external extension DLL, which can be avoided if there is a problem.

Disable overlay icon in file list
Do not use overlay icons in the file list. The overlay icon is drawn by an external extension DLL, which can be avoided if there is a problem.

Disable Enter drive's default context menu check
Right-clicking a drive item usually includes "play", "install", "unlock drive", etc.
When you press the Enter key in the file list, these items may be executed as default.
Turning on this option will disable this behavior.

For more compress folder
Compressed folder assumes extension zip, cab.
If you have compressed folder shell extensions, turn on this option to support other extensions.

Don't check mouse button at file list background
In Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (Version 1709), there is a problem that the mouse works abnormally when dragging the file list background.
Hidemaru Filer Classic is already working on the problem.
However, if there is a conflict with a resident utility that checks mouse operations, turn on this option.

Old type thumbnail
Use the reduced version acquisition method of the method before V1.50.

Free arrange of icons is the same if the path
Free arrange of icons is the same if the path.

Do not refresh upon notification of association change
Disable refresh upon notification of association change.

Do not auto complete in address bar
Disable auto complete in address bar.

Do not use own rename input field in file list
This option was ignored after V1.74 or later.