Design/Operation - File list 1(Ver1.90対応版)

Show stripe
When "Details" view, change the color line by line.

Grid line
When "Details" view, show grid.

Sort column color
When "Details" view, change the color of the sort target column.

Full row select target
When "Details" view, make the entire row a target for clicking.

Name column select target
When "Detail" view, make the entire name column a target for clicking.

When "Details" view, a check box is displayed.

Show underline when point
Show the underline when the mouse cursor is over the item.

Full row color and underline
"Show underline when point" is made the whole line.

Right align extension
When this option is ON, "Full row select target" is always ON.

When "Details" view, specify the line spacing.

Middle size icon
Use middle size icon in details view and list view.

Show frame
For thumbnails, add a frame to the icon.

Use cache (for XP)
On Windows XP, if there is a cache file named Thumbs.db in the same folder, this will be used to display.
This option is not available on Windows Vista, 7.

Make cache (for XP)
On Windows XP, if there is no cache, a cache file called Thumbs.db will be automatically created in the same folder.
This option is not available on Windows Vista, 7.

Auto expand
If the original size is smaller than the thumbnail size, set whether to display enlarged.

Resize by Ctrl+Wheel
Allows you to resize thumbnails with the Ctrl key and up and down the mouse wheel.

Always use default size
Always use default size. Not use each folder size.

Default size
Specifies the default size of the Thumbnail.

Specify the horizontal spacing between items in the Thumbnail.

Specify the vertical spacing between items in the Thumbnail.

Show details
When "Tile" view, the date and time and the image size etc. are displayed under the file name.

When "List" view, specify the width of each column. It is necessary to restart Hidemaru Filer Classic.

Use selecting color on icon
When an item is selected, the icon color is displayed in the mix color of the selected color.