Command list(Ver1.90対応版)

New Window
Open new window.

New Tab
Open new tab.

New Split
New split the file list pane.

Close Tab
Close current tab.
Close the window for the last one tab.

Close Tab (without last)
Close current tab.
Not close the window for the last one tab.

Close Tab (last one is home)
Close current tab.
Go to home for the last one tab.

Close the window.

Go to desktop folder.
If initial folder was specified by [Tool]-[Option]-[Program]-[Initial folder], go to initial folder.

Go to previous referenced folder.

Go to forward referenced folder.

Go Up Folder
Go to upward level folder.

Up Folder Menu
Show menu of upward level folders.

Drive Root
Go to root of current folder.

Drive Menu
Show menu of drives.

History Menu
Show menu of history.

History 1 (new tab) & Delete History
Open newest history item and delete newest history item.

History 1 - History 9
Open history item.

New Folder
Create folder to current folder and rename.
If [Tool]-[Option]-[Design/Operation]-[File list 3]-[Replace "New Folder" to "New Folder (Dialog)"] is ON, show dialog of new folder.

New Folder (dialog)
Show dialog of new folder.

New Text File
Create text file and rename.

New menu
The same menu as the [File]->[New] menu will appear.

Opens the selected item.

Open (default)
Opens the selected item.
[Tool-[Option]-[Program]-[Associate] is not applied.

Open (custom)
Opens the selected item.
[Tool-[Option]-[Program]-[Associate] is force applied.

Rename the selected item.
If multiple items selected, show rename dialog.

Rename (multi)
Show multiple rename dialog.

Rename (number)
Show multiple rename dialog (for number).

Rename (case)
Show multiple rename dialog (for case).

Rename (replace)
Show multiple rename dialog (for replace).

Delete the selected item.

Delete (no recycle)
Delete the selected item without recycle.

Execute undo command of explorer.
It is same as explorer behavior.

Execute redo command of explorer.
It is same as explorer behavior.

Cut the selected item to clipboard.

Copy the selected item to clipboard.

Paste file or folder from clipboard.

Paste (newer only)
Paste file by robocopy.

Paste (no select)
Paste file without auto selection.

Paste Shortcut
Create shortcut from clipboard.

Show property of selected item.

Attributes and Date...
Show "Attributes and Date" dialog of selected item.

Send To
Show "Send to" menu of selected item.

Copy to Folder...
Show "Copy to Folder" dialog.

Move to Folder...
Show "Move to Folder" dialog.

Drop to Folder...
Show "Drop to Folder" dialog.

Copy Path (full path)
Copy full path text of selected item to clipboard.

Copy Path (base name)
Copy file name text of selected item to clipboard.

Copy Path (base name / no extension)
Copy file name text (without extension) of selected item to clipboard.

Select All
Select all items of file list.

Invert Selection
Invert selection of file list.
If all items selected, clear all selection.

Clear Selection
Clear all selection of file list.

Find and Select...
Find item from current file list.
Or, select multiple items to match wildcards.

Find Next
Find next item of "Find and Select..." command.

Find Previous
Find previous item of "Find and Select..." command.

Standard Buttons
Switch the standard buttons display ON / OFF.

Address Bar
Switch the address bar display ON / OFF.

Focus Address Bar
Focus to address bar.
If address bar is not display, show address bar temporary.

Drop Down Address Bar
Focus to address bar and drop down.
If address bar is not display, show address bar temporary.

Filter Bar
Switch the filter bar display ON / OFF.

Focus Filter Bar
Focus to filter bar.

Link Bar
Switch the link bar display ON / OFF.

Focus Link Bar
Focus to link bar.

Tool Item Bar
Switch the tool item bar display ON / OFF.

Focus Tool Item Bar
Focus to tool item bar.

Drive Bar
Switch the drive bar display ON / OFF.

Focus Drive Bar
Focus to drive bar.

Tab Bar
Switch the tab bar display ON / OFF.
If switch from ON to OFF, close all tabs without current tab.

Tab Bar ON
Switch the tab bar display to ON.

Tab Bar OFF
Switch the tab bar display to OFF.
If switch from ON to OFF, close all tabs without current tab.

Tab Bar Auto
Switch the tab bar display to automatic.
It is automatically hidden when there is one tab, and is automatically displayed when there are two or more tabs.

Status Bar
Switch the status bar display ON / OFF.

Search Pane
Switch the search pane display ON / OFF.

Show Search Pane and Sync
Show search pane and set search place to current folder.

Switch Search Pane and Folder Pane
Switch search pane and folder pane display.

Search by New Window
Create new window and show search pane in current folder.

Bookmark Pane
Switch the bookmark pane display ON / OFF.

Show Bookmark Pane and Focus
Show bookmark pane and focus.

Switch Bookmark Pane and Folder Pane
Switch bookmark pane and folder pane display.

History Pane
Switch history pane display ON / OFF.

Show History Pane and Focus
Show history pane and focus.

Switch History Pane and Folder Pane
Switch history pane and folder pane.

Folder Pane
Switch the folder pane display ON / OFF.

Show Folder Pane and Focus
Show folder pane and focus.

Focus Folder Pane
Show folder pane and focus.

Each Tab Folder Pane
Switch the each tab folder pane display ON / OFF.

Show Each Tab Folder Pane and Focus
Show each tab folder pane and focus.

Preview Pane
Switch the preview pane display ON /OFF.

Focus File List
Focus to file list.

Switch View
Switch file list view. (Thumbnail / Tile / Icon / List / Details)

Change file list view to thumbnail.

Change file list view to tiles.

Change file list view to icons.

Change file list view to list.

Change file list view to details.

Thumbnail Size Menu
Show menu of thumbnail size.

Sort Menu
Show menu of sort.
It is same as "Sort by" menu in background context menu.

Name Sort
Sort the file list by name.

Size Sort
Sort the file list by size.

Type Sort
Sort the file list by type.

Date Sort
Sort the file list by date and time.

Sort by 1st Column - Sort by 10th Column
Sort the file list by detail of column number.

Switch Show Hidden Files
Toggle the display of hidden files ON / OFF.
This setting is valid only for the Hidemaru Filer Classic.

Switch Show System Files
Toggle the display of system files ON / OFF.
This setting is valid only for the Hidemaru Filer Classic.

Switch Show System Files (SYSTEM)
Toggle the display of system files ON / OFF.
This setting is common to Windows.
It also affects Explorer.

Switch Show Extensions (SYSTEM)
Toggle the display of known file types (extension) ON / OFF.
This setting is common to Windows.
It also affects Explorer.

Switch Usually Hidden Filter
Toggle the enable of "Usually hidden filter" ON / OFF.

Clear All Filter
Clear all tab's filter.

Hide Folder Item
Toggle the display of folder in file list ON / OFF.

Switch Show Folder Size
Toggle the display of folder size ON / OFF.

Switch Show Check Box
Toggle the display of check box of file list ON / OFF.

Show folder customize dialog.

Refresh folder tree and file list.

Refresh (focus)
Refresh folder tree when focused folder tree.
Refresh file list when focused file list.

Refresh (tree is difference)
Refresh folder tree and current file list.
The folder tree maintains all expanded states.

Refresh (file list is difference)
Refresh current file list.
The file list tree maintains all states.

Disable Refresh
Disable automatic refresh.
If a change is detected, a notification will be displayed at the top of the file list.

Lock Tab
Toggle the lock state of current tab.

Lock Under Hierarchy
Toggle the "lock under hierarchy" state of current tab.

Clear All Lock

Separation/Split Tab
If there are multiple tabs in the window, separate the current tab into a new window.
If there is one tab in a window and there are other windows, it combines the current tab with the other windows.

Split/Unsplit Tab
Make the current tab a new split if it is not split or if there are multiple tabs in the same split.
If there is one tab in a split and there are other splits, merge the current tab with the other splits.

Cancel Split
Cancel all splits.

Move Tab to Next Split
Move current tab to next split.

Move Tab to Previous Split
Move current tab to previous split.

Change Split Direction
Switch between vertical and horizontal split directions.

Close Other Tab Than Current
Close all tab without current tab.

Close Other Tab Than Current (without split)
Close all tab in same split without current tab.

Close All Left Tab
Close all tabs to the left of the current tab.

Close All Right Tab
Close all tabs to the right of the current tab.

Next Tab
Focus to next tab (right tab).

Previous Tab
Focus to previous tab (left tab).

Next Tab (without split)
Focus to next tab (right tab) in same split.

Previous Tab (without split)
Focus to previous tab (left tab) in same split.

Next Split
Focus to next split.

Previous Split
Focus to previous split.

Tab 1 - Tab 9
Focus to tab number 1 - 9.

Tab End
Focus to tab of right end.

Tab 1 (in split) - Tab 9 (in split)
Focus to tab number 1 - 9 in split.

Tab End (in split)
Focus to tab of right end in split.

Split 1 - Split 8
Focus to split number 1 - 8.

Split End
Focus to right end (bottom end) of split.

Move Tab to Left
Move the current tab layout to the left.

Move Tab to Right
Move the current tab layout to the right.

Each Tab Property...
Show each tab property dialog.
Each tab property

Tab List...
In tab mode, a list of tabs is displayed in the dialog box.

Next window
Active next window.

Previous window
Active previous window.

Set Tree Root to Current Folder
Make the folder tree parent (root) the current folder.

Set Tree Root to Desktop
Make the folder tree parent (root) the desktop.

Tree Up Key
Tree Down Key
Tree Left Key
Tree Right Key
Tree PageUp Key
Tree PageDown Key
Tree Home Key
Tree End Key
Tree Num* Key
Tree Num/ Key
Perform the operation equivalent to the folder tree key.
Tree Num* Key : Expand all subfolders.
Tree Num/ Key : Close all subfolders expansion.

Tree scroll sync
Expand folder and scroll.

File list Up Key
File list Down Key
Perform the operation equivalent to the file list Up/Down key.

File list PageUp
File list PageDown
Perform the operation equivalent to the file list PageUp/PageDown key.

Scroll to Top
When the folder tree has focus, makes the folder tree scroll to top.
When the file list has focus, makes the file list scroll to top.

Scroll to End
When the folder tree has focus, makes the folder tree scroll to end.
When the file list has focus, makes the file list scroll to end.

Edit Bookmark...
Show "Edit Bookmark" dialog.

Add Bookmark...
Show "Add Bookmark" dialog.

Bookmark Menu
Show bookmark menu.

Bookmark Item 1 - Bookmark Item 80
Open or execute bookmark item.

Safely Remove Hardware Menu
Show safely remove hardware menu.

Execute grep of Hidemaru Editor (Maruo Editor).
(for Japanese edition)

Open by Text Editor
Open selected file by text editor. (Notepad.exe)

Command Prompt
Execute command prompt.

Take in Explorer
Find the currently open explorer and open the folder where the explorer was open with Hidemaru Filer Classic.

Open current folder by explorer
Open current folder of Hidemaru Filer Classic, by explorer.

Edit Tool...
Show "Edit Tool" dialog.

Tool Item 1 - Tool Item 80
Open or execute tool item.

Always on Top
Make the window always on top.

Minimize the window.

Maximize the window.

When the window is maximized, restore the original size.

Layout Window Vertical
When there are multiple windows, arrange them vertically in full screen.

Layout Window Horizontal
When there are multiple windows, arrange them horizontal in full screen.

Save desktop
Save the state of multiple tabs in multiple open windows.

Restore desktop
Restore the desktop of saved.

Restart and save/restore desktop
Save the desktop and restore the desktop with restart.

Key Assign...
Show "Key Assign" dialog.
Key assign

Show gesture settings dialog.

Show option (configuration) dialog.
Option (configuration)

Show help.

Show "Run" dialog.

Context Menu
Show context menu.
Shell extensions are affected as following settings.
"Context menu extension of items" in Context menu 2.
"Context menu extension of background" in Context menu 2.

Context Menu (Simple)
Show context menu.
Shell extensions are always disabled.

Context Menu (Extension)
Show context menu.
Shell extensions are always enabled.

Switch incremental search mode
Toggle "Incremental search mode".
It affects key assignments that are not key combinations of Ctrl, Shift, and Alt.
If "Incremental search mode" is ON, key assigns are disabled. Alphabetic and numeric keys behave as incremental search.
If "Incremental search mode" is OFF, key assigns are elabled.

Space select mode
Switch space select mode.

Check for Update...
Check for update.

Menu bar
Show menu bar if menu bar is hidden.

Backup/Restore Environment...
Show "Backup/Restore Environment" dialog..