
Browse folders
Open each folder in the same window
When double-clicking a folder item of file list , it moves within the current window without new window.

Open each folder in its own window
When double-clicking a folder item of file list , create new window.
As a condition, only when the sidebar is not displayed.
If enable "Don't duplicate" option of Program, create new tab.

Click items as follows
Single-click to open an item (point to underline)
Open with left click.

Single-click to open an item (point to select)
If you place the mouse cursor on the file list file for a while, it will be selected automatically. Open with left click.

Double-click to open an item (single-click to select)
Left-click to select. Open by double left click.

Delete or set browsing history and search history.

Tab mode
Detail of Tab Mode

Determine the window layout at launch this app.
