Program - New tab(Ver1.90対応版)

New tab
Select folder with shift
Specifies the behavior when you left-click the folder while holding down the Shift key.

Select folder with ctrl
Specifies the behavior when you left-click the folder while holding down the Ctrl key.

Select folder by middle click
Specify the behavior when clicking on a folder with the middle mouse button (wheel button).

Bookmark / link bar
Specifies the behavior when the left button is clicked on the bookmark / link bar button.

Bookmark / link bar middle click
Specify the operation when middle button is clicked on the item of the bookmark menu.

Select drive bar
Specifies the behavior when the left button is clicked on the drive bar button.

Select History
Specifies the behavior when selecting File menu history.

Input to address bar
Specify the behavior when entering in the address bar.

Default select
Specify the behavior when left-clicking (without pressing Shift or Ctrl) a folder item in the folder tree or file list.

Focus on the file list as much as possible
Focus on the file list after switching folders, such as selecting bookmarks or typing in the address bar.

When initial folder is specified, "new tab" command open specified folder
The New Window, New Tab, and New Split commands open in the same folder as the currently open tab.
When this option is turned on, if "initial folder" is specified, it will open in the folder specified by these commands.

Restore tab with "new window" command etc
Specifies the behavior of the "new window" command when in tab mode.
When OFF, opens one tab of the current folder.
If it is ON, the tabs will be restored according to the settings as when started.

"already active" is same window only
"already active" is same window only.

他のタブで開かれていない場合 既に他のタブで目的のフォルダが開かれている場合
Open normal 同じタブ内で開く 二重に開く
Open normal (already active) 同じタブ内で開く 他のタブをアクティブにする
New tab (always) 新しいタブで開き、アクティブ切り替え 二重に開く
New tab (already active) 新しいタブで開き、アクティブ切り替え 他のタブをアクティブにする
New tab (background) 新しいタブで開き、アクティブはそのまま 二重に開く
New tab (background/already none) 新しいタブで開き、アクティブはそのまま なにもしない
New split 新しい分割で開き、アクティブ切り替え 二重に開く
New window 新しいウィンドウで開き、アクティブ切り替え 二重に開く